Feb 17
We stopped by
a coffee shop for a refreshing iced coffee. Our order was two Balinese coffees,
no milk, one with sugar. So the waiter brought one with milk and one without. He
brought me another cup of coffee.
Right across
the street was a French bakery that served a great lunch of fresh bread with
veggies, cheese and béchamel sauce for filling. It was a nice break.from local
fare. We topped it off with an apple crumble for dessert. Decadence is good
from time to time.
We rested in
our room, went out for a Balinese couples massage, more decadence and back to
the room to shower and rest before dinner. We went to a restaurant that is
owned and operated by Swiss and Indonesia
foundations. They use the profits to help needy Indonesians with health and
medical care and serve 30,000 people a year. It was crowded and we waited for a
seat at a counter. The fish was delicious.
While waiting
we walked around the neighborhood as we were off the main drag. We found a
little shop selling batiks and I bought one that is very plain to add to our
small textile collection. I watched a video after we got back to Thailand on how
batiks are made and was floored at how many processes the fabric goes through.
Because my batik has only a few colors, black, chocolate and cream I would
imagine it didn’t require so many steps.
Feb 18
Next we headed west when the temperature changed from 19 degrees Celsius
to a roaring hot 30 degrees. (66 to 86 in Fahrenheit). Add in the humidity
factor and I’ll just say it is stifling. Hot, damn hot! Here we visited a
temple in the ocean, Pura Tanah Lot. It is the most photographed temple in Bali but we liked the lake temple more. Apparently it is
most popular at sunset but we read that the traffic was AWFUL at that time of
day so we had no interest in waiting a few hours for that.
Every where we went we saw recycling via motorcycle. Drivers would carry
huge loads of cardboard, plastic, metal, etc. We rarely saw litter in Bali which was refreshing to say the least.
Back at the hotel we decided to return to the Three Monkeys restaurant
for another fine meal.
Feb 19
We got up earlier than usual for a 7:30 breakfast and 8:15 departure.
Alit had said we only needed 90 minutes to get to the airport and Ron asked him
to add another 15 in case of traffic. Away we went. It was a pleasant drive
until we hit Denpasar. Crap, it was bumper to bumper for miles, making all three
of us anxious. The airline requested that we get there three hours before
departure and Alit said two hours was adequate. It took until 10:20 to get to
the airport. We dashed out of the car, paid Alit and ran inside fearing the
worse. We got up to the passport checkpoint and Ron realized he had left his
backpack with his camera, airline tickets home etc in the car. He had already
given away his SIM card so we had no way to call Alit. We begged the guard to
call him. He got on the walkie talkie and told us to go to Customer Service. We
ran over to the counter and were told to go to the office. Ron was crazy with
anxiety and didn’t understand. I shouted, ‘hurry this way’ as I saw the office
door. The person inside called Alit and he returned. Thank god but we were
still fearful about being late. We had to go through the first checkpoint, then
to the Air Asia counter, then passport control and security. We were frantic.
When we got to Air Asia there was one couple in front of us but they had
stopped to fiddle with their luggage. After pausing a minute we went up to the
counter as a rep was available waiting for us. The guy in line went nuts, and
cursing ensuring with shouting to match between Ron and the stranger. I came
unglued and intervened; placing my hand on each man I shouted even louder,
“Stop this right now”. I suggested the upset guy go first since shouting wasn’t
getting any of us closer to boarding. A
few more snide remarks ensued. When we got to the counter the wide eyed rep
asked Ron if he was okay. How embarrassing. Lucky for us there were no long
lines with the next several checkpoints. We went to the boarding gate to learn
our plane had not yet arrived and of course, guess who was there. I decided it
only way to move forward was to apologize. We were in the wrong after all. As I
approached him he looked away. I started with ‘we owe you an apology. We were
frantic’. I then told him what had happened. I said ‘my husband doesn’t act
this way but he was very anxious about his backpack and missing the plane’. He
quickly apologized and said he didn’t act this way either and he had also been
anxious because of the traffic and how long it had taken to get a taxi. He said
he wanted to apologize to Ron and walked across the way and they shook hands.
They sat two rows behind us and there was no tension. YAY!
We arrived in Bangkok
late afternoon and were met by our friend Dr. Krishrat. He met him through his
daughter Auem. Auem was an exchange student about ten years ago in Tigard and
lived with Nattawan, the person who owns the house we stay in when we are in Thailand . We
try to get together over a meal each visit. Each year Ron tries to pay the bill
and each year they do not allow it. Last year we were visiting after dinner
with Krishrat, Doungchai and Om their son. Ron
asked if they were ever going to allow him to pay for a meal and simultaneously
they all said ‘No’. So this year Ron didn’t even try. Krishrat took us to a
restaurant on the river where they serve river shrimp which we had never heard
of. OMG they are huge, barbequed and served butter flied. They were bigger than
our palms and fabulous. We also had a fish smothered in a red tomato based
sauce. What a fantastic meal. The evening ended with Dr Krishrat taking us to
our friend Leslie’s apartment.
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